Soft Lenses
As the name suggests, they have a smooth surface & are made up of sophisticated polymers with about 65.70% water. So they are very comfortable for wearing. These lenses are available in astigmatism also called Soft-Toric contact lenses.

Hard Lenses
Those are made up of a material called PMMA. They were earlier used to correct astigmatic power, but due to their roughness, they are obsolete now.
RGP Lenses
Think ofthe cornea as a circle drawn on the side of a round ball. Squeeze the sides of the ball so the shape of the circle changes. The more the ball is squeezed , the more the circle distorted. Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) lenses are used to correct corneal astigmatism .

Rose K2 Lenses
These are specially designed lenses to correct the high astigmatism present in patients with a disease called ‘Keratoconus’. When the cornea becomes cone shaped. These lenses are customized, multi-curved made according to corneal shape and much comfortable than RGP contact lenses.
Avoid Contact Lenses if :
- You are having frequent eye infections.
- You are having severe allergies.
- You are resistant to dry eye treatment.
- You are working in very dusty environment.
- You are not able to handle and take care of contact lenses.
- Do not wear lenses during swimming or having saunas.
- Discontinue lens wear if you experience persistent discomfort, redness or blurred vision and consult your contact lense consultant.
Cleaning of Sift Contact Lenses
Place the soft contact lens on your left palm and apply several drops of soft multipurpose solution. Rub the lens gently in circular motion 10-15 times. Holding the lens with your right fore finger against the left palm and drain the solution. Do not use water on your soft contact lenses. Place the lens in your clean lens case or lens holder and fill with fresh solution.
Insertion of Soft Contact Lenses
- Moisten the forefinger of the right hand & place the clean moist lens, concave surface upward, on the tip of the finger.
- Hold up the lens against the light & check if it is right side up &there is not dust on lens.
- Bend the head down so that the eye will be fixed straight down & looking at the working surface (Table surface).
- Keep both eyes open all the time during insertion.
- Place the left middle finger at the margin of the upper right eye lid, grasp the lashes & pull the lid up. (This should be done in such a way that the lens will not touch the lashes during the insertion)
- Place the right middle finger at the margin of the lower lid & pull it down.
- Slowly bring the right forefinger with the lens towards the cornea look straight through the lens so that the lens can be seen as the blurred circle. It is important to keep the eye straight.
- Gently place the lens on the cornea & release the lower lid first & then upper lid slowly. Now, Straight the head, look down & blink several times.
- Repeat the same procedure for the left eye.
Removal of soft Contact Lenses.
- Pull the lower lid down with the middle Finger.
- Place the index finger on the lens edge.
- Drag it down & pinch it out with the thumb of the same hand.
- Keep all your finger nails nearly cut.
- Wash both hands with soap & water before handling lenses.
- Avoid the use of soaps containing cold cream, lotion, or oily cosmetics efore handling your lenses, since these substances may come into contact with the lenses and interfere with successful wearing.
- Clear your contact lenses with prescribed solution only.
- Always ensure from inserting the lens that lense is not inside out.
- Store your lenses in the lens case in a fresh solution every day.
- If you drop a lens do not rub with the surface, pick it up with wet finger.
- Mishandling of lenses can cause scratches on clear surface of lens.
- Use cosmetic that is water based.
- Visit your doctor every three months even if you don’t have any complaint.
- Develop the habit of always working with one lens at a time to avoid mixups.
- Ask yourself after inserting the lens: How do the lenses feel on my eyes? How do my eyes look? & Do I see well? If your examination shows any problems IMMEDIATELY REMOVE YOUR LENSES AND CONTACT EYE DOCTOR.
- Do not rub your eyes while wearing contact lenses.
- Do not wear lenses for more than the prescribed time limit.
- Do not use lenses if redness, pain or blurring is persisted.
- Do not sleep with your contact lenses on.
- Do not wash your lenses in the not water as they can possibly warp.
- Do not insert lenses over a sink.
- Do not engage in sports with your lenses on until you are well adapted to wearing them.
- Do not swim with your lenses on
- Do not use any spray(s), which come in contact with the lenses.
- Do not switch brands of contact lens care products unless you ask your eye doctor first; not all care systems are compatible with all lenses.
- Do not experiment with your contact lenses by, for example, using food coloring to tint them. Trying to change your eye color this way is dangerous because food coloring isn’t necessarily sterile.
- Do not share your contact lenses with anyone, ever! It might be fun to see how you’d look in your friend’s blue or gothic contact lenses, k„t chariots lenses can spread microorganisms and infections.